What Gives? Why Monthly Donors Are The Backbone of What We Do

By Deydra Baptiste, Posted on July 22, 2024

An Agile Safety Net in the Face of Climate Crisis

Monthly giving provides us with the tools to respond immediately when urgent situations occur. Whether it’s the aftermath of a hurricane, the effects of drought or the relentless wildfires that threaten our forests, your consistent support empowers us to take swift action and protect the ecosystems we hold dear. All while being beholden only to the communities we serve. A freedom granted by your support. When Hurricane Fiona—accelerated by climate change—became the most intense cyclone on record in Canada, our team responded with support and resources for thousands of family forest owners grappling with the aftermath.

Sustainable Funding for a Sustainable Future

Reliable and predictable funding is essential for effective action. Nonprofits and charities are often at the mercy of funding availability which can cause programming to be administered sporadically. This can greatly reduce the impact of our efforts due to navigating unpredictable funding landscapes. Imagine working a full-time job and your paycheck fluctuating largely, every week. It’d be difficult to budget, pay expenses and feel secure in your ability to take care of yourself and your family.

Our long-standing community mangrove forest program in Zanzibar, which enables our team to work alongside communities to replant and protect their endangered coastal forests, is made possible by our monthly supporters. We don’t always have grant or project funding available for these critical activities, and new threats to community forests can arise unexpectedly. Our team and the communities we serve are able to keep working to protect and restore mangroves across Zanzibar every season because of the year-round support of our donors.

Monthly giving allows us to plan more effectively and in the long term. We can make decisions that have a lasting impact, protecting our forests and the communities they sustain. We’ve committed to our sister organization, Community Forest Pemba, and our Indigenous partners in Canada to enhance and support their programming in ways they may not be able to achieve independently. Your monthly donation is a promise to us, which in turn helps us honor the promises we have made to our partners. 

With Community Forests, Small Contributions Make Huge Impacts

It’s not about the size of the donation; it’s about the impact it has. We know that in these unprecedented times of financial strain, balancing our budgets is challenging. Nearly every income bracket faces some level of uncertainty on a monthly basis. That’s why we welcome anything you can give: whether it’s the cost of a coffee, or a subway ride. Even the smallest amounts can cause a ripple effect that multiplies exponentially across Canada and our programming in Zanzibar. 

For example, via the generosity of Global Affairs Canada, for every 1$ we raise to support communities in Zanzibar they will match 10$ to fund our climate action and gender justice activities. You may think ‘why couldn’t they just fund 100% of the costs’? The hope is that by contributing the majority of funds necessary for this important work, Global Affairs Canada can inspire and enable the generosity of individuals as well. Our belief is that fundraising is also about rallying community and connecting with allies who care as much about climate justice as we do. Connecting with donors and building those relationships of collaboration is as important to us as the money raised. Our campaigns and outreach activities to people like you help us to do that. Our funders will give what is within their capacity to give; Community Forestwill give what is within ours; and you, our community member and donor, can give what is within your budget! Creating a synergy that translates into 10x the impact for every contribution and a strong community of changemakers whose energy goes far beyond a one-time donation. 

When combined with the contributions of others, the impact grows even more! Imagine having that sort of influence…monthly. 

By joining our monthly giving community, your commitment enables us to act swiftly in the face of climate impacts, protecting our forests and communities with the speed and efficiency needed to make a real difference as the climate crisis grows so too must our efforts to mitigate it. 

As you know, there’s no time to waste when it comes to taking climate action. 

Join our monthly giving community and thank you for considering this meaningful investment in our shared future.